
A one-off, fixed-price assessment of product, technology and people in the context of your specific concerns.

Radar helps you quickly take the pulse of the organisation, without fuss.

We are not a management consultancy, and we don't try to sell ongoing services. The output of a Radar engagement will give you all you need to understand the current situation and recommends specific, actionable steps to take.

1. We meet and discuss the things you've noticed, or are concerned about. Some recent examples have been:

  • The new “v3” of the product has been 'three weeks away' for six months and I don't know why it's not ready
  • I’m just not seeing progress on the obvious things that need to be fixed
  • Our organic traffic has gone off a cliff, and nobody seems to know how to fix it
  • What's being built and released doesn't align to the business' new growth strategy
  • The product is buggy and we're rapidly running out of runway
  • I have concerns that the person leading digital doesn't have the capability to take us to the next phase

2. We embed ourselves into the business, doing things like:

  • Meet with the team at all levels, across all functions
  • Observe communication and flow of information within the organisation
  • Mapping out processes and confirming things work in practice vs theory
  • Review business and product strategies
  • Dive into data, understanding performance and opportunities
  • Review code, architecture, roadmaps, plans, work in progress and delivery methodologies
  • Assess skills and capablities in core functions

3. We deliver a comprehensive, written report:

  • Answering all questions posed in our initial briefing meeting
  • Specific, actionable recommendations that you can take to remedy any issues
  • Unlimited time with us to discuss the report's contents